11014 results found
añadir dispositivos antiguos como G13
Hola! mi nombre es Edu Sanchez y soy ingeniero industrial y creador de contenido.
incluir el teclado G13 (Y modelos anteriores) o presentar una versiona actualizada del teclado, yo mismo he modificado mi G13 añadiendo un stick de Play Station 4 y un puerto USB C, en estos momentos estoy intentando añadir bluetooth al dispositivo. Todo esto lo publicaré en mi canal de youtube "Edu Sanchez".
En cuanto a la app, sería interesante aumentar el numero de botones que se puedan configurar o personalizar para el mx keys, solo la barra superior se queda muy corta, y para juegos…1 vote -
Couple suggestions
When creating custom app settings for buttons it would be neat to be able to choose a template previously made by the user, or to just choose some previous app or general settings to inherit the options from and keep customizing from there, or of course starting from default settings as the current only option.
Creating macros aside from just keyboard shortcuts
Sharing custom app settings with others and being able to download the templates which can be further customized.
When launching the app it requires to click on the device first in order to be able to move, minimize…
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community key binding
What I feel is really missing here is community content. I would like to see a place where I could upload key bindings and preferences or download ones that other members of the community have already uploaded. similar to what valve did with their wireless controller.
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Horizontales Scrolling
Horizontales Scrollen sollte auf beliebige Tasten anwendbar sein
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Paso a Paso config Photoshop Español
Buen dia
Tienen algun tutorial en Español PASO A PASO para configurar el MX Master 3 con photoshop?Gracias !
Chile1 vote -
couleur de clavier
Je veux changer la couleur de mon clavier dans l'application parce que le clavier ici n'est pas dans la couleur de la mien (physiquement). Un réglage dans paramètres pour changer ça va être très bien! Merci.
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사용자 지정 마우스 감도
사용자 지정 동작 중에 마우스 감도 증가, 감소, 모드 변경이 있었으면 좋겠어요!
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Mausfunktion kaum genutzt; Craft support feht und wäre wichtiger
Die Mausunterstützung der MX3 ist gegenüber der aktuell verfügbaren Version, nur unwesentlich verändert. Ich schätze die Möglichkeit, das Scrollrad bei Bedarf entriegeln zu können und die Tasten mit Funktionen belegen zu können. Die Top-Taste verwende ich um den Sperrbildschirm zu aktivieren, wennich den Platz verlasse. Mehr Sonderfunktionen nutze ich von der Maus nicht. Die seitlichen Tasten habe ich deaktiviert, denn die führen gerne mal zu Fehlbedienungen. Hebt man die Maus zum Laden mal an, kommt man gerne schon mal an diese Tasten.
Der Support der Craft wäre für mich allerdings schon wichtiger.
Insbesondere wäre mir die Möglichkeit wichtig, die Tastenhintergrundbeleuchtung…1 vote -
Presets for web apps
I love it, great job on the new software. I work with a LOT of web apps and most apps I use can't be distinguished between because they basically ALL happen in Chrome. It would be awesome to have specific button sets for different web apps. Hangouts, Google Sheets or Trello for example. Pretty please?
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re-arrange deivce numbers for easy switch in app
rearrange easy switch numbers using software
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Thank you!
Thank you for adding a number % on sensitivity! That was a pain to keep consistent across installs and computers!
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App-specific settings list improvements
When the window is wide enough, the apps listed in the top right app-specific settings could expand to show more of the list. The MX Master thumb wheel should also be able to scroll that horizontal list.
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adobe collection 2021
I'm waiting for support for photoshop and adobe premiere pro updates
best wishes
Johannes2 votes -
아이콘 표시 모양 및 다양한 의견
캐이블로 연결중이 아닌데 연결되어 완충중이라고 뜨네요 유니파잉 이랑 블루투스 둘다 유선으로 인식하는거 같아요 베터리 잔량을 %로 나타나면 좋겠어요 좌우 ui가 깔끔하긴한데 정보를 얻기위해서는 한단계 거처 가는게 좀 귀찮아요 ㅎㅎ 그래도 베타치고는 말끔하고 옛날 일반 옵션 프로그램보단 가벼운거 같아서 좋아 그리고 제일 중요한거 ! arm용으로도 만들어주세요 ㅠㅠ m1 칩셋 호환성이 떨어지는거 같아요 아무래도 로제타로 돌리는거같은데 arm 으로 돌리면 더 쾌적할꺼 같습니다
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Adding a battery percentage icon instead of 3 bars to indicate battery levels
Having a battery percentage would be useful to see how much battery is left
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Response to feedback
As I leave my email address, it would be nice to get feedback about my feedback to you. Do you think this issue will be fixed or not, when, in which release?
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light/green please!!!!
i wish i could turn on green light during using my mx anywhere 3.
green light makes mx anywhere 3 much beautiful!
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Flow issue solution (for some) :)
I have just today posted info about failing flow option with 7 of 10 times causing issues with leaving one device and moving other one...
So I have fixed it, one of messages was saying ABOUT vpn which ofcourse is used on one of the device. SO I installed with admin user privilages with vpn turned on (made it on hold when instalation wanted to connect for download) than turned it on.
After install I have turned on Logi+ as admin user (vpn turned on) configure it, now it works perfectly but - I didnt yet restardted computer with vpn…1 vote -
버그는 아니지만 Easy Switch 탭이 팝업의 모습을 하고 있는것이 어색한 것 같습니다. - 사용성의 문제
키보드 설정에서 팝업의 모습으로 Easy Switch가 보여지는데 선택 창에서는 하나의 탭으로 따로 구분되어 있다보니 어색합니다. 차라리 팝업 대신에 페이지가 이동하여 화면에 보여지는게 자연스러워 보일 것 같습니다. (팝업 처럼 보이다 보니 외부화면을 클릭해 해당 화면에서 나가려고 시도하다 실패했습니다.)
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ctrl e fn
Gostaria de poder inverter as teclas ctrl e fn. Fica como sugestão para próximas atualizações. Obrigada :)
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?