11014 results found
Wünsche an Logi Options+
Schön wären:
Unterstützung der MX Master 2S: Der Wechsel zwischen zwei Tools ist lästig, besonders dann, wenn man die MX Keys in Kombination mit einer MX Master 2S nutzen möchte!
"Maximieren" des "Logi Options+"-Fensters: Aktuell fehlen wenige Pixel zur Darstellung von drei Geräten; der Bildschirm wäre groß genug!
Alternative zur "fn"-Taste für Mehrfachbelegung von Mausgesten: Die "fn"-Taste ist auf der MX Keys auf der rechten Seite - wenig ergonomisch, wenn man die Maus ebenfalls mit der rechten Hand bedient!
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Tastenbelegung mit Lösch-Funktion
Bitte bei Tastenbelegung bitte nicht nur das "ausschneiden" sondern auch das "löschen" einfügen. Die Funktion ist sehr nützlich. Das hatte meine Microsoft-Mouse auch.
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Disable Keys
I've just started using Logi Options+ beta. It seems much more responsive than standard Options, including download and install.
It is missing the option to disable keys, though. Please include the option to disable Caps Lock and Insert. Thank you.
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Good Morning sign should go
I love everything here, but I dislike "Good Morning" sign at the top. Does it imply that I have to emotionally connect with this tool? It's not adequate in my opinion.
If other users say it's a great sign, let me know
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good feedback
finally works with macos and mx master 3 connected through bluetooth. Thank you! saved me a lot of work
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Stop putting an icon to Options+ on my desktop when the software updates.
Stop putting an icon to Options+ on my desktop when the software updates.
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Switch Profile Option
This app is amazing! The added feature of keyboard shortcuts into some of the mouse buttons is top draw!
Would it be possible to add a section where you select which of the 3 user profiles you are adding shortcuts for in this one app?
Since my work would never allow me to download the logi software on to my desktop and let me set my shortcuts. I'm also switching between a mac for personal and windows for work hence the shortcuts won't quite carry over.1 vote -
Apertura APP (dello store)
per quanto riguarda il sistema windows, sarebbe interessante dare la possibilità per l'azione "apri applicazione" di scegliere anche le APP (quelle installate dallo store) in quanto da disco non possono essere selezionate.
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Absolutely incredible
So far I love the new design and i would say its pretty perfect!
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add delete button
i have a duplicate of a mouse (the same mouse twice on the device menu) an option to delete a device would be nice.
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Moving between devices
I think you should make the option for switching between bluetooth devices an option for buttons on the front of the mouse. For example the button below the verticle scroll wheel
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Zoom in and out
Hei, jeg lurte på om det er mulig å legge inn en snarvei for zoom inn og ut. Ved å holde inne funskjonsknappen som er nederst på musen og bruke scrollehjulet for å zoome inn og ut.
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Backup function - include it in Option+
Please include the backup feature in Option+
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Single key switch between hosts for Mx Keys + Mx Master 3 combo
Dear Support,
It would be really appreciated by the entire community using Mx Master and Mx Keys if you would add the feature supporting a single-key switch for both mouse and keyboard between all connected hosts. The current solution - Flow - is not reliable and furthermore, does not work while using VPN at all, which is a common scenario, especially within the users being a target of your products (as you address it to different kinds of profesionalists).
I understand, there is a page with information about the lack of this functionality on your website, however, there are about…1 vote -
애플리케이션 목록에 윈도우 앱 추가
키보드나 마우스 단축키를 통해 실행할 수 있는 프로그램 목록에 마이크로소프트를 통해 설치한 윈도우 애플리케이션도 포함되었으면 좋겠습니다.
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make it more opensource with extensions
maybe its an idea to make it opensource like such as visualstudio code where people can develop there own extensions or functions.
that people can write a python script en call that script when button is prest.1 vote -
Yaptığım ayarları gmail hesabıma kaydetme ekleyebilir misiniz?
Teşekkür ederim. :)1 vote -
Option zum ändern der Dongelzuordnung der Geräte
ich möchte gerne die Reihenfolge meiner Geräte ändern (mein Laptop ist von rechts nach links auf den Tisch gewandert) daher bleiben die Geräte und Dongel gleich aber eben die Reihenfolge möchte ich anpassen können.
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Remove a device
A good idea is to be able to remove a device from options+ software.
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mam taki pomysł żeby była możliwość właczenia podświetlenia w tej kawiaturze na stałe, znaczy włączam jakiś przycisk i ona świeci, obojętnie co by się nie działo, cały czas na zadanym poziomie jasności. Niesamowite jest że w XXI wieku, w produkcie klasy bądź co bądź premium takiej opcji - nie ma. To najgłupsza rzecz z jaką się spotkałem ostatnimi czasy. Pozdrawiam. Wojtek
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?