10922 results found
Desktop Wiget
Can we have a desktop wiget or something similar to access the mouse settings without having to open the app each time?
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Logi Options+ is a total overkill. It is more than 500MB in size, which is quite big for 'just' a configuration application. Its user interface is counter intuitive and its choices do not make any sense. For example: if I click 'settings', I expect to be able to alter the settings. Guess what: there is nothing that is even remotely related to settings.
In addition, I personally do not like any of the AI extensions. Please get rid of this bloatware as soon as possible.
In general: please spend your time and resources on improving the actual devices, their firmware…
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2.4G + Logi Bolt & normal 2.4G Devices & WiFi This is for Device Security : 5 Way HAND ECH_TLS : AES AlaML-KEM Falcon
5 Way HAND https://is.gd/ECH_TLS : AES AlaML-KEM Falcon DES5 00:33 20/10/2024 - 2018 Rupert S
4 Key DES is in principle the timed exchange ok keys, Now as you know with ECH Enhanced Client Hello (Cloudflare - NIST - Standards W3 - RS),
As you may know an open secret is exchanged first before a security certificate; The exchange protocol:
Exchange protocol:
Preliminary contact protocol:
PSK Pre Share Key (through DNS, Preferable Auto from Registered DNS & Cloud Provider)
Insertion of certificate verified key exchange with verified return stub key (verified against…
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InDesign ?
Et alors, quand est ce que l'on peut se faire un profil InDesign ??… Les amis ?…
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MX Master 3S thumb button custom gestures zoom in/out
For thumb buttons for mice like the MX Master 3S, you can create custom gestures. Please allow zoom in/out to be an option for thumb button + up and thumb button + down when you create custom gestures. It is already available specifically for the "zoom/rotate" gestures preset. Please bring it to the custom gestures side as well. I'm already aware of "smart zoom" being an option but it isn't the right choice for myself. Thank you!
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5 Way HAND : AES AlaML-KEM Falcon DES5 00:33 20/10/2024
5 Way HAND : AES AlaML-KEM Falcon DES5 00:33 20/10/2024 https://is.gd/ECH_TLS
5 Way HAND : AES AlaML-KEM Falcon DES5 00:33 20/10/2024 - 2018 Rupert S
4 Key DES is in principle the timed exchange ok keys, Now as you know with ECH Enhanced Client Hello (Cloudflare - NIST - Standards W3 - RS),
As you may know an open secret is exchanged first before a security certificate; The exchange protocol:
Exchange protocol:
Preliminary contact protocol:
PSK Pre Share Key (through DNS, Preferable Auto from Registered DNS & Cloud Provider)
Insertion of certificate…
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Easy Switch Function Enhancement
This may go unanswered however there is a feature that could be added which would really improve logitech easy switch. Currently If I have a mouse and keyboard pressed and I wish to change them to another PC without using logitech flow I need to select the easy switch buttons on each device. This can be a little awkward at times.
A better solution would be to add an option in logi options for simultaneous easy switch. When the easy switch button for example 1 on device 1 is selected on one logitech device for instance the keyboard it will…
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side scroll
There should be an option to enable side scroll when scrolling with the wheel pressed down on mx master 3s
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Battery Status
make BATTERY STATUS always VISIBLE in taskbar. it is so annoying when you dont know.
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Lacking battery level percentage
Not sure if I already sent this feedback, sorry if it was the case.
I see Logi Tune (3.7.187) displays the battery level percentage of my MX Vertical whereas Logi Options+ (1.83.635658) does not. I find inconsistent that the app supposedly more focused on setting up my mouse does not show me that information.1 vote -
déplacement boutons
je suis sur un profiil application, illustrator, par exemple. Je peux déplacer un outil en le glissant/déposant au sein de la meme page, mais je ne peux pas aller le mettre en page 2 si je suis sur la page 1. Ce serait super si comme sur les téléphones, on pouvait glisser le bouton sur la gauche ou sur la droite pour pouvoir le changer de page. et ainsi réorganiser des profils de keypad simplement.
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vitesse molette
J'ai trouvé un reglage de la vitesse de la molette du dialpad. Il reste quand meme très -trop- rapide en soi. Bien a vous.
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different local profiles
Please add local profiles, that allow for seperation by "task" and not application.
I need different mapped buttons in the same application depending on the task at hand
A profile I can switch quickly depending on what I want to do. Web Browsing and Research between multiple programs.
copy/Paste work between multiple programs or programmingin a browser i might want to inspect certain items or look for something in the source code while I just want to copy, take a screenshot or search for a string while doing another task
they can be locally saved, but that would be…
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Request for adding an option to combine keyboard and mouse on PC selection for better efficiency
Dear Logitech team, Thank you very much for the product, I am having nice experience with my MX Keys Combo set product.
However, I have an idea that I would really like to have but doesnt exits and not possible.
I need to use the combo set with 2 computers and need to change between PCs very frequently. The keyboard and mouse is supporting multiple devices but they need to select the PCs seperately for keyboard and mouse which doubles the effort.
Instead, I would love to have an option to link the keyboard and mouse and selectable via buttons…
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Resizable Chat GPT plugin
It would be really nice to have the Chat GPT plugin be resizable. I love to have quick access to it but it is too small.
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Rueda Vertical Power BI
Por favor que la rueda vertical pueda mover entre hojas en power bi, esta funcion ya estaba pero en esta ultima version no funciona correctamente
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window navigation
its very annoying when it auto click in window navigation. before I think which window switch to it auto click its to next window.
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mx master 3s鼠标改进,以及其他功能设计建议
我是一名事影视技术工作人员,平时会使用win_pc电脑和mac电脑切换工作,对于罗技键盘的使用深有体会,现在提出几个建议,1.建议推出 MX mechanical for mac 全键位苹果版。2.强烈建议将mx master 3s 鼠标出一个小号版本,适合手小或者女生使用的,大小接近m590(或稍微大一点点也行别超过m720),然后将所有二模或者三模的鼠标的设备切换按键重新放回到鼠标上面,类似m590系列鼠标切换键在上面,侧面也行,不要放在底部,切换不方便。另外对于使用罗技键鼠套装的在跨屏flow功能设置中增加以鼠标切换设备按钮能同时切换键盘的选项,这样使用跨屏切换的时候会更方便,原来的模式也保留,因为有些人使用习惯的不同。3.键盘mx keys mini无论是苹果版合适win版建议都将左下角(ctrl+opt+cmd)改成三键的布局,类似mx mechanical mini的mac版布局。相信我这是20多年从业者总结出来,fn放右侧省左侧的地方。不然在操作快捷键的时候很容易误触,左侧的三键使用的次数更多,三键布局,每个键位所占的面积更大些,操作上会更舒服。
1 vote
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