10911 results found
Keys MX Mini Backlighting Timeout
Keys MX Mini - the backlighting times out WAY too fast at 5 seconds. Can a settings option be added to bump it 5-10 minutes? Please? Pretty please?
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VMix Replay Jog Wheel - Contextual - MX Creative Console
Can you please add an option to use the Contextual wheel as a Jog Wheel for replays inside VMIX? This console is actually incredibly useful as a vision mix/replay controller combo and being able to use the creative Dialpad as a standalone replay controller sets it apart from all others!
love this controller setup, using the contextual wheel as a replay jog would be the cherry on top!
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Please add native ARM64 support
Please add ARM64 native support. I just bought a new Surface 7 Laptop and MX Anywhere 3S mouse, and the button customizations do not work as expected. I love the laptop otherwise and would rather not return it.
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없어진 기능 3 가지 복원.
로지옵션스(옛날 버젼)에서는 있었는데 플러스 버젼에서는 사라진 기능들은 돌려주셨으면 좋겠습니다.
01. 윈도우 로그오프 단축키. 단축키로 설정하기 위한 항목이 사라져서 로그오프를 직접 클릭하거나 win+x,u,i를 눌러서 로그오프해야 하는데 너무 불편합니다. win+L은 윈도우 잠금인데 이걸 원하는 게 아니라 윈도우 계정 로그오프(로그아웃) 기능을 다시 넣어 달란 겁니다.
02. 마우스의 포인터 속도 조절 기능 전환 시 화면에 설정 01, 설정 02 상태 표시.
03. 마우스 포인터 속도 조절 버튼 누른 상태에서 왼쪽 또는 오른쪽으로 움직일 시 포인터 속도를 실시간으로 조절하는 기능.위 3 가지는 정말 잘 쓰고 있던 기능들인데 너무 아쉽습니다. 특히 02, 03 번은 원래대로 넣어주시거나 이를 원치 않는 사람들을 위해 설정하거나 해제할 수 있도록…
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NPU Reference Code for 4x4 grid : Reference NPU Document
// Creating a parallel multiplication Grid NPU Simulation for 4x4 Grid 11:13 03/10/2024 (c)RS
// Reference NPU Document in https://is.gd/DictionarySortJS
include <mpi.h>
include <stdio.h>
define NUM_ROWS 4
define NUM_COLS 4
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int rank, size, i, j;
int factor;
int localresults[NUMROWS];
…MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); // Initialize data and factor // ... // Broadcast factor to all processors MPI_Bcast(&factor, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // Perform local multiplication for (i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++) { local_results[i] = data[rank][i] * factor; } // Gather results from all processors
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keyboard key functions
I would be helpful if you had an option to pull up the keyboard and instructions on which keys to hit to perform certain functions.
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Option vertikaler Bildlauf
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich bin mit der Logi Craft so zufrieden, wünsche mir aber einen vertikalen Bildlauf mit dem Drehrad. Auch bei der Maus am oberen Rad wäre diese Optiion Hilfreich. In beiden Fällen mit Einstellungsmöglichkeit der Geschwindigkeit.
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WIndows Arm support
Please give us a Windows Arm version of Logi Options+
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Предложение по улучшению пользовательского опыта
Как идея создать возможность включать/выключать некоторые функции в трее системы. Например для MX Keys Mini на кнопках включения посветки клавиатуры у меня насртоены другие функции, в то же время, есть частая потребность включать посветку. Делать это из приложения не очень удобно, а вот если бы такая возможность - в системном трее навестить на иконку Logi и для клавиатуры вкл/выкл подсветку. Было бы очень удобно
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Flow support without network connectivity
When working from home, I have a work laptop that is on VPN at all times, and my personal laptop to the side. I'd love to be able to switch mouse and keyboard between them seamlessly, however I can't. My VPN doesn't support side tunneling, so features like flow can't work. Both computers could run an app like Logi+ where when I hit a keystroke or a mapped button action, it would instruct the PC to tell the devices to switch their bluetooth pairing to a different device. This could even be enabled seamlessly through the flow app, by detecting…
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Allow customization of the horizontal scroll wheel action on the Logitech MX Anywhere 3S.
Please enable the ability to customize the horizontal scroll wheel gesture action for the Logitech MX Anywhere 3S, similar to other models like the Logitech MX Master 3S. Currently, the horizontal scrolling on the MX Anywhere 3S is restricted to its default function and cannot be personalized to suit individual preferences and actions (such as pressing keys on up/down).
I attached picture for MX Master 3s functionality that I like to have on my MX Anywhere 3s.
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Why is there AI in mouse drivers?
I don't want any AI builder in my mouse driver SW! Can you please remove it, or disable it completely. There is 0 reasons for mouse drivers to require 10 running processes and half gig of RAM, seriously!
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Synchronisation de la connexion à l'ordinateur
Bonjour, je suis très satisfait des produits que j'utilise, mon seul point noir est le changement d'ordinateur. Sur le clavier, c'est parfait mais la souris est galère.
Pourquoi ne pas mettre un paramètre qui permettrai de changer d'ordinateur sur la souris en même temps que le clavier ?
Ma vie serait tellement plus simple.
Merci d'avancePascal
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Personalized Color Palette for quick selection
Could you consider a customize palette for background/font selection. Entering HEX values all the time is time consuming. Maybe 6 customizable presets for colors would work.
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logitech presentation remote
Hi! I have been using the presenter for a while and found that if I could change the highlight and zoom effects from circle to square, it would meet more of my needs. Thanks!
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Asking for Always-on Backlit - MX Mechanical
Greetings Logitech,
I am a MX Mechanical User and a big fan of Logitech.
I would like to suggest an update for the MX Mechanical Backlit as to be "always-on"-able.
Namely, there will be an option on the Logi Options+ allowing the keyboard continuously Lighted even without object on it.Thank you very much you for time and efforts. I look forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Jazz2 votes -
Remove AI Prompt Builder
How can I disable the popup in the main page about the AI prompt builder?
Forcing an AI prompt builder into this app is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. it's a joke and doesn't belong here
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Zu komplizierte Software Nicht brauchbar!
Die neue Software ist kompliziert und völlig unnötig. Ihre alte Software war einfach zu bedienen und reichte völlig aus. Wir haben hier 10 solcher Spotlight Presenter und unsere Dozenten sind über die neue Software sehr enttäuscht. HKönnen sie mir eine abgespeckte Version für Windows 11 und Mac OSX zukommen lassen. Mit besten Grüssen Lukas Sprenger
Und übrigens: Alle USB Ladekabel brechen. Musste bereits alle ersetzen mit einem anderen USB Kabel das nun nicht mehr bricht!
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