Allow assignment of individual pan gestures rather than an all-or-nothing approach.
It would be nice to assign individual pan gestures rather than an all-or-nothing approach. For instance, on my old MX Anywhere 2S, the scroll wheel could tilt left/right for horizontal scrolling. On the 3/3S, it's the mag speed wheel so tilting is no longer an option.
While you can assign pan gestures to the wheel button, you a) lose the ability to use click-to-shift (which isn't available for any gestures, let alone the pan gesture) but B, you have to accept all panning.
In a perfect world, I'd like the left/right gestures to be pan left/right and the click (i.e. no panning) to be 'wheel shift'. Then I could further use up/down gestures for other things.
Not sure why these seemingly-artificial limitations exist, but they do. Maybe it's because some users may be confused by them? No idea. But even that could be worked around with an 'Advanced/Kitchen Sink' mode where we say we know what we're doing, and you make all options available.