NPU Reference Code for 4x4 grid : Reference NPU Document
// Creating a parallel multiplication Grid NPU Simulation for 4x4 Grid 11:13 03/10/2024 (c)RS
// Reference NPU Document in
include <mpi.h>
include <stdio.h>
define NUM_ROWS 4
define NUM_COLS 4
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int rank, size, i, j;
int factor;
int localresults[NUMROWS];
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
// Initialize data and factor
// ...
// Broadcast factor to all processors
MPI_Bcast(&factor, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Perform local multiplication
for (i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++) {
local_results[i] = data[rank][i] * factor;
// Gather results from all processors
// ...
// Print results
// ...
return 0;
// # End code
Creating a parallel multiplication with load & run in the most efficient manner, based on a 4x4 grid:
[ ]1a, [ ]2a, [ ]3a, [ ]4a
[ ]1b, [ ]2b, [ ]3b, [ ]4b
[ ]1c, [ ]2c, [ ]3c, [ ]4c
[ ]1d, [ ]2d, [ ]3d, [ ]4d
Understanding the Grid:
Each row represents a different set of data to be multiplied.
Each column represents a different factor to be multiplied by.
Parallel Multiplication Approach:
Load Data:
Assign each row to a separate processor or thread.
Load the data for each row into the corresponding processor's local memory.
Broadcast Factor:
Broadcast the factor to be multiplied by to all processors or threads.
Parallel Multiplication:
Each processor or thread performs the multiplication operation on its assigned row using the broadcasted factor.
Store Results:
Store the results of each multiplication in the corresponding processor's local memory.
Efficient Implementation:
Data Distribution:
Distribute the data across processors or threads in a way that minimizes communication overhead.
For example, if the data is already distributed across multiple memory modules,
Assign each row to a processor that has access to its corresponding data.
Factor Broadcasting:
Use efficient broadcasting mechanisms to minimize communication latency.
For example, use tree-based broadcasting or collective operations provided by MPI or other parallel programming frameworks.
Load Balancing:
Ensure that each processor or thread has a roughly equal amount of work to do.
This can be achieved by dividing the data into equal-sized chunks or by using dynamic load balancing techniques.
Memory Access Patterns:
Optimize memory access patterns to avoid cache misses and improve performance.
For example, use techniques like loop unrolling or data prefetching.
Minimize synchronization overhead between processors or threads.
Use asynchronous communication or non-blocking operations whenever possible.
(c)Rupert S
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