Your updates SUCK!!!!
I'm about ready to switch to another product, but I'm afraid you all conspire to ruin our lives together. I'm sick and tired of the fact that you decide to throw in some new useless feature and wipe out our settings in the process. I have the keys on my keyboards, and the scroll wheels on my mice, set up the way I work and you reset everything to force me to look at your new AI features? All it does it ****** me off. I'm working, I press F5 to run a script, and instead my work disappears giving me a heart attack. Fortunately it only minimized all my windows, but one of these days your going to cause me hours or days of work. Who the **** needs AI added to their keyboard and mouse anyways? Don't get me wrong, I love AI and use it daily. But I don't need it in my keyboard or mouse. I need those to work everyday without change. And the problem is that since I have four workspaces, each with Logitech devices, I have to re-setup everything again since your login doesn't work anymore. Thanks for much for making your **** so hard to deal with and wasting so much of my time. It's such a joy to be stressed out, ****** off, and wasting so much time. NOT!!!!