As an avid user of both an MxKeys (recently MxKeys Mini) and an MxMaster 2s mouse, and owner of three computers, logitech flow is very important to me. It's disappointing that none of my devices are currently compatible with LogiOptions+ but I'm glad you're re-imagining your software to match your best-in-class hardware. I would really love to be able to use keyboard-link with the new MxKeys but what I would love to see even more is a feature that doesn't seem to have been considered: the opposite! E.g. mouse-link, or the ability to have my mouse follow the connection of the keyboard. To manually change computers with my mouse I need to pick it up and press a small button once or twice. However, on MxKeys I can change computers with a single keypress. If I could press a key and have both keyboard AND mouse switch to the new computer, i would find that even more useful than flow (which i find often gets triggered by accident). Please make it happen! :-)