Logitech, logi, logi tech, logitek, l0g1t3k is a mess for the end user with multiple logitech devices. goodbye
it's very frustrating that the logitech ergo keyboard is not supported in Logi Options+
All logitech devices should be unified under one app. I have maybe 8 input devices, keyboards, mice, trackball, cameras, headset, and they require 4 different apps to use correctly. Today i uninstalled all but logi tunes for my cameras since I need that for class zoom/teams meetings, and logi options+ for my mx meyboard and mouse which I recently spent ofer $200 on. So, I keep my $100+ ergo keyboard in the closet since its not compatable with logi options+ and I do not want to install logitech options again. None of the trouble shooting solutions worked in the past so this is the route I;ve taken. at least I have not had to unplug and replug in my unifying receiver again today YET.