Horizontal Scoll Performance, Software Installation problems
Hi there,
Holger from Berlin here.
My first impression of the Options+ software is excellent. I appreciate the quite fine-grained program-specific settings. And the Software UI remains very good-looking, which rarely is the case.
I have a suggestion on the behaviour of the secondary scroll wheel. When horizontally scrolling table documents (in my case Browser based apps) the scrolling doesn't feel as smooth as with the main scroll wheel (Smooth scrolling on).
I assume this fact has to with physics and torque. As the smaller wheel has a smaller diameter – acceleration here appears more abrupt, and so do stops. I think it would feel a lot more elegant, if you modified the signal curves a bit, so that transitions are smother – a dash of inertia, so to say.
Another comment has to do with software installation (already of the old Options-Software). I guess it will work out just fine in the vast majority of cases. But you guys really should consider the cases which fail.
I am a highly trained Windows user with decades of experience and was at the very edge of sending this **** thing back and to revert to a trusted wired Mouse. The reason was that I followed all instructions but still could not make mouse and receiver couple in the way required to install the Options-Software.
It took me hours to sift though (numerous) forum threads where users with the same problem shared their experiences.
In the end I performed a manual clean-up of drivers. Although I had properly uninstalled the Razer software I had used earlier, my machine still wanted to treat your Mouse as a Razer model. Finding this out was far from straightforward.
It in my perspective is foolish and arrogant to assume that the supplied software for the wireless device will work under all circumstances. You will – rightfully – lose a number of users who simply don't get the device to run within a reasonable time span.
It by all means is necessary to provide a slim way to get in touch with tech support while still installing the Mouse. This should work without an account, without having Options installed, without getting on your customers nerves in any way.
You guys at this point already have messed up and should use the chance to comfort the person who has spent decent money for a premium mouse.
With kind regards, Holger Jahns