Switching apps not instantaneous any more
Annoying change to the app switcher function
With the latest update, the function to switch between applications (in German UI it's "Anwendung wechseln") was modified. Before, I could instantly switch between the currently and last used apps with a click on the thumb button. It was extremely handy and efficient – great alternative to ALT + TAB all the time.
Now, the switch doesn't occur instantly. Instead, an overview of all apps is displayed for about 2s. The benefit is that I can select any other app than the one I used last. The problem is that I cannot integrate app switching in my smooth workflow any more, as I won't wait that long for most back-and-fourth tasks. So I'm back to ALT + TAB instead...
I would appreciate if you implemented an alternative to "switch apps" that explicitely includes "show overview of active apps".