831 results found
Possibilité d'attribuer un agent GPT précis à un bouton
Il serait génial de pouvoir attribuer un agent GPT à un bouton (un que nous avons créé par exemple).
Voici un cas d'usage :
J'ai créé un agent GPT qui me permet de traduire des textes à la volée et de comprendre automatiquement dans quel sens doit se faire la traduction (en anglais vers le français ou en français vers l'anglais).
Pour plus de compréhension, voici mon prompt :
"Tu es un expert en traduction de langues.
Tu maîtrises notamment l'anglais et plus spécifiquement l'anglais américain, le slang, les expressions idiomatiques et l'anglais commercial.
Je veux que tu traduises systématiquement…
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Parameter mit verschiedenen Sprachen
Für Übersetzungen wäre es praktisch wenn man bei bestimmten Paremetern die Sprache einstellen kann. Es wäre ebenfalls von Vorteil Selber eigene Parameter zum Promt erstellen zu können.
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Tamaño de letras
Permitir aumentar el tamaño de las letras.
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Resizing application window and font size
- Enable users to resize both the application window and font size.
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allow users to control the delimiter.
i would like to add some sample and instruction to exclude some statement
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Please allow the ability to change the font size for those of us who are visually impaired. For both the AI prompt builder, and chatGPT.
Currently the font size isn't changeable in the ai prompt builder or chatGPT window applet. I'm begging you, please add the option to expand the font. Pllllllllease.
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an instant gratification activity book for amateur adults
A soft cover booklet designed for adults that need a reprieve from the daily grind. Each page offering a different activity to offer an opportunity to laugh at the ridiculous level of difficulty that being a "grown up" requires. From fun word searches full of words like "bills" "divorce" "counseling" and other relateable words that describe the many responsibilities adults face from day to day,to connect the dots to an escape jail maze to coloring pages that have hidden crude words and riddles to make someone with a sense of humor laugh
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Select text to have spellchecked, cohesivity checked, and other grammatical checks.
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More prompts
From what I see now there is a limit to the number of prompts you can create - why? Make it unlimited and once again - make a proper large and resizable prompt text box - it's extremely inconvenient to use as it is now.
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architecture interieure
message facebook pour attirer les clients
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Normal windows behaviour
Allow for standard windows behaviour like minimise, restore, maximise
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Logi AI Prompt BuilderでChat GPTを開けるが、画面サイズの変更をしたい
Chat GPTに出す質問としてソースコードの貼り付けをよく行う
その際に回答を閲覧する画面サイズが小さいと、Chat GPTからの回答が読みづらい1 vote -
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other ai systems
Be able to integrate it into other ai systems besides open ai such as taskade
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using the mic
using the mic to talk
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- Don't see your idea?