2x M575s stopped working
I have used Logitech trackball mice since they were first marketed.
I have introduced tens of others to use these products.
Originally wired, then bluetooth, through M570, M575.
The original logitech software worked fine. Every "upgrade" over last 10+ years has been a retrograde step. Now Logitech have bundled - AI software that requires opt-out! What on earth?!
I have also suffered sudden failure of the proprietary dongles.
Latest issue is failure of M575s to reconnect to PC after reboot.
Two devices, Two failures this last week!
PLEASE can we have simple original pairing software and working connections!
Yes, I have replaced batteries on both.
If only others would step in and produce reliable trackballs with basic software...
Thank you for enabling this rant.
I am starting to feel better; but I am still stuck with non working trackballs...