Bug report and new features suggestions
Hi ! I have some suggestions to fine tune the app with the MX creative console :
- bug : setting an icon for an action is a really bad experience, we have to save the icon before modify it whereas the new icon is not saved. And please add more fonts options :)
- feature : add multiple actions rings (with pages for example)
feature : change action ring contextually (in adobe LR for ex in modules (develop, gallery...)
feature : add long press action and double press action on the buttons. For example in Adobe LR to reset expo, contrast, color...
feature: Add an option to press a button to change the context, similar to a "FN" key on a keyboard, to quickly and temporarily change all the button/action ring actions.
I know that these feature requests may only be used by advanced users, but I think they could add a lot more value to this small but very practical product.
Thanks a lot