Windows 10 Memory Conflict With Macro Execution
I am a Windows 10 user. I now have a Logitech MX Keys S keyboard. I talked with Ashley Ticket #13672433 and I noticed I was having difficulty executing the Macros assigned to F keys 1-12. It turns out there is a memory conflict, that when certain applications such as Microsoft Outlook 2016 are open, other Macros can not execute. If you assign Quicken to F4 and Outlook is open, F4 will not launch Quicken. Close Outlook and F4 launches Quicken. If I have my CRM open, I can not launch F3 or F4 being Outlook and Quicken. Once I close the CRM then the Macro will work. You have to isolate the Windows 10 memory function of Options + to not be affected by other open Windows 10 Programs. Setpoint and Logitech Options are 2 examples of your programs that memory wise were isolated from the affect of other running programs. For Options plus to be successful, we need memory isolation for Options + ASAP. Thanks for taking a moment to listen, as this is keeping me from getting full use out of my new keyboard.