Very messy Logi Options+ Homebrew upgrade experience
Hi. Just to let you know, your software, including the restoring of backed up settings, is working better, but it still has very poor Homebrew upgrade output, much worse than any other application I update via Homebrew, writing out many many lines of error messages and unintelligible technical information compared to other applications which just quietly update. The sort of information you are writing to the screen should be written to technical log files. Compare the output from LogiOptions+ to that from WhatsApp:
==> Upgrading 2 outdated packages:
logi-options-plus 1.78.588966 -> 1.80.601141
whatsapp ->
==> Upgrading logi-options-plus
==> Caveats
You must reboot for the installation of logi-options-plus to take effect.
==> Downloading
########################################################################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
Warning: No checksum defined for cask 'logi-options-plus', skipping verification.
==> Removing launchctl service com.logi.cp-dev-mgr
==> Removing launchctl service com.logi.optionsplus
==> Removing launchctl service com.logi.optionsplus.updater
==> Removing files:
/Applications/Utilities/Logi Options+ Driver Installer.bundle
/Library/Application Support/Logitech.localized/LogiOptionsPlus
==> Removing directories if empty:
/Library/Application Support/Logitech.localized
==> Running installer script ''
[2024-08-08 08:31:20.436] [info] [] ArgParser: received input arguments: (
[2024-08-08 08:31:20.436] [info] [] arg name:
[2024-08-08 08:31:20.436] [info] [] Processed args: status: {
args = {
"--aipromptbuilder" = 1;
"--analytics" = 1;
"--backlight" = 1;
"--device-recommendation" = 1;
"--dfu" = 1;
"--flow" = 1;
"--logivoice" = 1;
"--sso" = 1;
"--update" = 1;
lastarg = "--quiet";
lastval = "";
status = 0;
DEBUG : ConcurrentException: Not allowed to 'start()' a JobQueue that is already started.
[2024-08-08 08:31:46.854] [error] [featureflagsloader.cpp:89] Cannot load json features flags! '/Users/Shared/LogiOptionsPlus/features_cache.json' does not exist!
Unload failed: 5: Input/output error
Try running launchctl bootout
as root for richer errors.
"LimitLoadToSessionType" = "System";
"StandardErrorPath" = "/tmp/logi.optionsplus.updater.log";
"Label" = "com.logi.optionsplus.updater";
"OnDemand" = false;
"LastExitStatus" = 0;
"PID" = 32020;
"Program" = "/Library/Application Support/Logitech.localized/LogiOptionsPlus/";
"ProgramArguments" = (
"/Library/Application Support/Logitech.localized/LogiOptionsPlus/";
Boot-out failed: 5: Input/output error
Bootstrap failed: 5: Input/output error
==> Purging files for version 1.78.588966 of Cask logi-options-plus
🍺 logi-options-plus was successfully upgraded!
==> Upgrading whatsapp
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
########################################################################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
==> Backing App '' up to '/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/whatsapp/'
==> Removing App '/Applications/'
==> Moving App '' to '/Applications/'
<unknown>:0: warning: using (deprecated) legacy driver, Swift installation does not contain swift-driver at: '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/swift-driver-new'
==> Purging files for version of Cask whatsapp
🍺 whatsapp was successfully upgraded!