LZ4 compression is used in most firmware's so is a very logical choice for PTP & NTP network protocols, But we can use others.. GZip, LZ4, B
LZ4 compression is used in most firmware's so is a very logical choice for PTP & NTP network protocols, But we can use others..
GZip, LZ4, Brotli-G
Preferred PTP & NTP Formula reasoning : RS 00:00 02/08/2024
PTP timers are based on time stamps,
Time stamps are fast,
Latency between servers is calculated by a combination of accurate latency measurements combined with accurate clocks.
Firmware supported compressed time formula : PTP & NTP single packet multiple cycle sequence.
Preferred PTP & NTP Formula (c)RS
Preferring binary with GZip, Brotly & LZ4 compression is preferred,
Most network cards & motherboard firmware supports at a minimum LZ4 or GZip because the firmware bootloader has a compressed ROM,
Frequently LZ4 is supported.
Network packet exchange for supported compression with subtopic, Compression supported by the firmware!
The basic firmware support allows compression on device & not referring to the central processor for task offloading.
Preferred PTP & NTP Formula (c)RS
Compressed NTP & PTP Ultra high precision packet
processed for latency, rout & robust high precision clock adjustments.
Protocol Table:
Per device internal probe & declare
Packet negotiations (cache saved for reuse)
The table will be the sum of the preferred compression & protocol methods by task optimised preference & shall not give specific details away.
Firmware supported compression per device.
LZ4 compression is used in most firmware's so is a very logical choice for PTP & NTP network protocols, But we can use others..
LZ4, Brotli-G, GZip
Send preferred compression list based on parsing of closest device on the sending path:
Device to device priorities
Network card, Wifi, Router etcetera
Motherboard support
Central processor support
Packets shall then consist of time stamps & -+ latency adjusters & a detailed 1 to 32 Byte group, reason says 64Byte..
Compressed time packet : NTP & PTP Ultra high precision packet.
This shall be processed for latency, rout & robust high precision clock adjustments.