Logi Options - ai_overlay_tmp folder should not be where it is
I just found a strange folder called "aioverlaytmp" in my home folder in macOS. I thought I had been hacked for a second, but after a bit of googling I discovered that the folder was created by Logi Options+.
The name "aioverlaytmp" is very suspicious. It gives zero indication of what the folder is for or who created it. Maybe you intended to put it somewhere else? I'll label this as a bug, because I think it is.
If the directory's contents are indeed temporary as the name would appear to indicate, the home folder is the last place they should be. is there any reason whatsoever for the folder being where it currently is?
If the files need to stick around longer, should they not be in ~/Library/Application Support/LogiOptionsPlus like the rest of the files that Logi Options+ requires?
Please refrain from placing unsolicited stuff in the home folders of your customers.