Bunch of suggestions for improvement
- AI prompt really seems odd to be a feature of Options+. Seems like it should be standalone software and integrate well with Options+.
- Mouse Gestures should be able to trigger Smart Actions, not just the button press.
- Mute/Unmute Microphone should be an action that can be done throughout the app. It can be done in Smart Actions and with my keyboard, but not with my MX Master 3S mouse.
- The Gesture presets are much "smoother" than assigning actions individually. For example: If you use the Zoom/Rotate gesture preset for MX Master 3S, doing the gesture to zoom in and moving the mouse may zoom in 5 steps or something, but if you assign the Zoom In actions to an individual gesture, it will zoom in on 1 or 2 steps in the same distance of mouse movement. Pan and Rotate and (probably) other things work similarly. They should act the same.
- If you use a keyboard shortcut as the trigger for a Smart Action, then assign a mouse gesture to fire that keyboard shortcut, the smart action will not trigger.
- Non-keyboard/mouse devices should have Smart Action triggers (e.g. webcam turning on/off from being used or Litra beam turning on/off)
- Some devices should have built-in Smart Actions actions (e.g. turn Litra Beam on/off)
This software is pretty darn awesome and beautiful, but there are so many little odd things missing that just make me scratch my head.