When you do (RT) Real Time frame transport QFT Quick Frame Transport & VRR will be distributing multiple frames compressed; That way the Dis
When you do (RT) Real Time frame transport QFT Quick Frame Transport & VRR will be distributing multiple frames compressed; That way the Display Prediction Vectors update the display very quickly at a much lower bandwidth...
The content strategy is layered with motion vectors for each sub classification in layers.
For all of VESA & HDMI : Chromium & DSC Display targets rendering & layer flattening : RS 10:27 01/04/2024
DSC & Operating system kernels + fully rendered layers to flat space, Available to you (sig RS)
3D DR_LC : 3D Layers to Direct Render Layer Composing : OS, DSC, Codecs, DirectX & Vulkan
Here are the Operation Processor Extensions available to EdgeTPU:
The sample examples show what a powerful specialised instruction set can do!
To explain more; The EdgeTPU is a Matrix multiplier & Adder..
The instructions such as transpose allow for example mapping one image on another for difference detection...
Flexible uses for each function can literally be based on the basic concept of the instruction,
Basic assumptions lead to convoluted & complex examples..
Examples that are required to do such things as check one bitmap for identical content (in effect XOR)
Quantize : image pixels..
Max Min Mean : Dithering or gaussian blends (complex XOR & layering or edge feathering) & more!
StridedSlice & Slice : partition a frame into parts to render in a grid; slice CSS isolated content in rendering.
SpaceToDepth : Dynamically allocate depth layers to single frame content such as text boxes or photos..
So why ? so we can Dither edges & Fonts & minimise ram usage to dynamic content.
We AveragePool2d to gaussian blend the layers together; In principle we average weight the layers to a final,
Single layer; DSC VESA
Alternative is to Paint major content on a single layer involving the CSS backdrop..
Moving content on top of it on a secondary layer; Makes sense to me! speed wise,
We could use an average pool with Weights (+10/30/100 to -10/30/100) & Feather & Gaussian blend down if we like!
MaxPool2d define layer amount.
ResizeBilinear, ResizeNearestNeighbor : Resize textures for appropriate size of mouse pointers & cursors & content pictures or video..
DepthwiseConv2d : we can down convert layers to 2D, in principle in chrome we convert layered textures during final frame generation to a single flattened layer..
Transpose : layers folded into a single frame render fast! bear in mind that we have to HOLD THE LAYERS in a single fetch!
Buffer optimization to ram size required.. Memory optimization is crucial to hold all layers in a single fetch.
Alternatively combine layers with Transpose & DepthwiseConv2d combined.
In a genuine way layering mouse pointers ontop of DSC frames makes a lot of sense in the terms of response & compression..
you have to think in terms of knowing what is under that mouse pointer; there are two frames of reference to this:
deliberated previous frame forward predict with icon buffer to load over it (A small texture)
Layered responses; in layered responses the Processor processes a java script css layer in the form of the operating system & vectors..
The motion pointer or animation travels over the top in a secondary layered response,
The formation of layers lowers processing costs & speeds up UI response timers; lowering overall compression costs because the first layer is fully converted into an almost static prediction response &or reactionary differentiator system..
The mouse pointer floats over a texture (a Desktop CSS for example, white box for example), The DSC codec encodes pointers (vectors) specific to the first & second layer..
we increase the accuracy of prediction vectors by knowing the desktop layer first & knowing if it is animated or static; we also prefetch the animation & time sync it correctly; so that it animates properly..
We seed the mouse motion vectors & animate the pointer vectors over the top of the Desktop layers..
Desktop composure list
1 Mouse pointer
2 Icons in box
3 Desktop
Vector priority list:
1 desktop
2 Icons & frames
3 mouse pointer.
Packed Bit Z-Buffer
The truth is that simple features & simple layered maths make a small Z-Buffer a logical choice,
Bear in mind that a small Z-buffer can be done between 4Bit & 32bit & is readily handled by the 4Bit or 8bit extensions; Such as RISC V & ARM..
the logical choice being Packed bit u32/8 for example; where multiple layers can be handled in a single fetch & present cycle.
It makes sense to offer a Z-buffer render for Windows, Linux, Android, Consoles,
For desktop & UI rendering in particular : https://science.n-helix.com/2022/04/vecsr.html
FreeSync & Advanced Sync : GTG 0.1- : QFT : Quick Frame transport
I think implementing QFT & Installing DSC Codec into modes such as 2x Frame transport would work,
Because there would be 2x as much bandwidth for drawing such things as mouse pointers & crosshairs or screen painting content : PSPC :
When you do (RT) Real Time frame transport QFT Quick Frame Transport & VRR will be distributing multiple frames compressed; That way the Display Prediction Vectors update the display very quickly at a much lower bandwidth...
The content strategy is layered with motion vectors for each sub classification in layers.
Reference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WmhMcCZZjDI4pKnQsccvaf4RdquhPPs8/
Voyager-1 Stream Errors 2023-2024 automatic statistical Memory Error Mapping & Remapping Error Correction (c)RS 23:27 05/04/2024
Although the memory issues with voyager seem impossible,
I suggest rerouting memory errors with a software memory error protection,
the flight control RAM may be partially functional,
Potentially error mitigation though a systematic RAM Scan & RAM mapped automatic error protection map..
Rupert S
Potentially useful for voyager > https://is.gd/DictionarySortJS
Voyager-1 Stream Errors 2023-2024 automatic statistical Memory Error Mapping & Remapping Error Correction (c)RS