Inconsistent App Specific H-Scroll Behavior
I noticed some strange behavior with the horizontal scroll wheel. I set the scroll wheel to input Cntrl + Tab to cycle through different programs on a Windows machine. I also added the default Google Chrome horizontal scroll behavior to cycle through tabs. However I noticed that there's a lag when I open chrome and have multiple tabs open. At first the horizontal cycles through my apps, but then after a second or the mouse detects that I'm chrome and then the desired action is to cycle through tabs is enabled. It would be nice to reduce this lag from a user experience perspective. Finally, I tried to add a new set of app specific functions. I use RStudio a lot and while I like the horziontal to scroll through apps, I wanted to the horizontal scroll behavior to be normal horizontal scroll in RStudio to scroll through code. But this doesn't work. I only get the app specific scroll behavior on Chrome and that after a delay, but I dont get it at all on Rstudio for some reason. Maybe there's a bug here.