Capture of keystroke strings and TIMINGS
Please allow the OPTIONS+ key remapping to send MULTIPLE keystrokes/characters (not just a single character). I would like to be able to assign frequently used strings (such as email addresses, names/addresses, passwords, etc. by hitting a single keystroke or hotkey combination. Key combinations such as ALT+9 or CTRL+g should be supported in those strings of keystrokes. Also keystrokes such as TAB, ENTER, PRINTSCREEN, SCROLL LOCK, BREAK, OPTIONS key, etc. should be able to be placed into the keystroke sequence as well as other keys like TAB, ENTER, etc.
There should be a selectable DELAY value between keys as well (selectable from a drop-down) and/or an option for the Options+ program to capture and play back keystroke sequences with the exact timing performed by the user (times between key-down, /key-up, etc.)