App-specific settings should sync, be shared with the main settings by default, until it's value is changed to the app-specific setting.
- When we create new App-Specific settings, all settings should be SHARED with the "main" settings for all apps, until we change the value.
In other words, the default value should for each button in new app-specific setting be "inherit from main settings", so when we reassign a button in main setting, it will change in all app-specific branches (if it wasn't changed as app-specifc of course).
Let's say I have 10 app-specifc settings, but one gesture button is always the same, it's shared. When I want to edit the gesture slightly, I have to change it 11 times, in main setting and in 10 app-specific settings.
The "shared value" solution solves this problem very easily.
- Some Chrome-specific actions from Logitech Options are missing in this version, Close Tab for example.