Link mouse to keyboard easy-switch buttons
Hello, please - same as you can link a keyboard in the Mouse Flow options - also add the option to link a mouse in the Keyboard easy-switch options.
Why? I have 2 computers, private and work, each is on a different network (work computer must use VPN) so I cannot use the Flow feature (huge bummer). I constantly have to pick the mouse up and use the button on the bottom to swap from one device to another, I'd like to easily switch both devices at once by pressing the easy-switch keyboard buttons, instead of switching each device individually, thank you!
Or at least add the option to map the easy-switch mouse button to any other button on the mouse, instead of only allowing the button on the bottom so I don't have to constantly pick it up and use both hands to switch between, thank you!

Lyubomir Lyubenov commented
i got the mx combo for work and i am really happy with it. Was intending on purchasing another combo for home and was thinking it would allow me to switch between pcs effortlessly, but good thing i looked around if thats possible first. Might as well get something cheaper and a kvm
darw00d commented
under review for over 3 years!
Come on Logitech, please implement this. -
Arthur Logvinov commented
Still a defintely needed feature from so many users. Take a look on reddit, github and so many other forums online.
Please dear Logitec-team: take this feature on the roadmap.
Most of your clients are in a professional environment where two different PCs in different networks are not unnormal. this would really make the life of thousands of users easier and would make a clear USP.
Ma-Ap commented
Jin Dim commented
Please implement this Logitech. Its such a simple, and yet, essential workflow-enhancement - your users deserve it! And have done for a while.
- J -
Wiktor Swanson commented
Been waiting for this for years... huge drawback on an awesome product...
Yanko Diev commented
This is a big blunder frome their product team. Maybe they don't consider it because the buggy flow sells more devices than just a boring and convinent swtich button.
Grant Mercer commented
Blows my mind that Logitech went through the effort of building a flow feature but not easy-switch ESPECIALLY after moving the channel switch button to be under the mouse in the MX Master S3 mouse.
PLEASE logitech, don't give us a degraded experience with new products. I'd go back to using the MX Anywhere had you not broken compatibility between it and the MX Mechanical
Stuart Gregory commented
It is completly beyond belief that this doesn't work - how could you conceivably have 'easy switch' buttons, that don't easily switch the mouse?
I don't want to have to go to the edge of the screen etc, as most of the time someone else is probably using the other PC and doesn't want my mouse suddenly taking over. It should be an intentional press of the button, on the keyboard. The bottom of the mouse is ludicrously inconvenient.
I will be updating my review of the mouse and keyboard to be far more negative given this limitation.
Nigel commented
Seriously - this is the top rated idea for two years and nothing has been done about it? Does logitech look at this?
I just bought the combo and can't believe that this feature doesn't exist out of the box. Its a pain to have to flip over the mouse every time i need to switch it over. Flow to switch both keyboard and mouse just doesn't work if you can't install logi options+. -
fateful-pulse commented
R B commented
Honestly, it's boderline false advertisment the way it works currently.
I specificaly bough the mx master series to switch between my work computer and my personal one. Flow is a joke because of the VPN.
It's even more complicated than just plugin another mouse.I would never have bought the mx master series if I knew this option wouldn't be available. Unless, they fix it, I'll make sure to never buy logitech again and make sure everyone around me is well aware you are out of touch with the way people use your product.
That combined with the missing logi bolt for the mx master mini, logitech lost lots of good will.
NC commented
Returning MxKeys/Mouse combo due to this unfortunately.
Yau Lin Fung commented
I am going to drop 0 rate in the logitech shop
Manit Gupta commented
This is easily the most stupid thing not available should have been in the product yesterday...
Mohamed commented
Unbelievable, 2+ years feature request and no implementation yet?
Kevin commented
@Logitech: if this cannot be done, for whatever reason, please just put us all out of our misery, and tell us so. You have a duty to be up front with your users, especially those who uphold the brand.
Robert Constantinescu commented
Crazy how many votes for this feature are, and 2 years later is still not implemented
At this moment there are over 300 votes from all of 3 Tickets about this Topic and there is no update about it
Hey Logitech, why you ignore your users?
Jeremy Fairbrass commented
I would love this too - but not only for the MX Keys, but for any Logi keyboard that has Easy-Switch buttons - such as the Ergo K860 - and mouse that also has Easy-Switch buttons.
It should be possible to bind the keyboard Easy-Switch buttons with the mouse Easy-Switch buttons, so that both work in sync with each other.
Junior Adherbal commented
This is a significant setback for the overall quality perception of the product. As customers, it seems like an easy feature to implement, since you have already done the complex work (such as the flow feature). It has been more than two years since this issue was brought to your attention here.
I'm a new customer and I have the exact same complaint and I'm not hopefull that this issue is going to be prioritized despite all the public feedbacks I've found online about the same issue.